Soul Soak

Dedicated to my father, a fellow lover of Susan Tedeschi.

One the greatest perks of going to school in Memphis is the Beale Street Festival at the end of the year in May. (I’ll miss it next year…) The 2009 lineup was superb. Susan Tedeschi was and is still my favorite performance of the festival. She makes my heart jump as her genuine soul emerges in every beat.

Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi perform together at Soul Stew Revival '08

I saw the Allman Brothers Band four years ago and fell in love with the lead guitarist, Derek Trucks. He didn’t use a pick once and played slide for the majority of the concert: amazing. I was captivated by this man.

Through research, my mom discovered Susan Tedeschi, Trucks’s wife. Tedeschi is the most soulful female guitarist and singer/songwriter I have ever heard. It wasn’t long before my mom bought her 2005 album Hope and Desire. I would recommend it to anyone who loves soul music and blues music; Folk can also be heard. (Tedeschi covered Dylan’s “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright” at the festival).

Personal video of “Little By Little” at the Memphis in May Festival:

For Christmas, I plan on buying her current album Back to the River for my dad! (Shhhhhh, don’t tell him!) Both my parents and I love her. I can’t explain the joy it gives me to see my dad “dance” along to her show.

Blues solo at the Memphis in May Festival:

Seeing a crowd of people in ponchos holding umbrellas while dancing and having a good time was the highlight of the festival. Music DOES bring people together!

From Hope and Desire I would recommend the following songs:

“Lord Protect My Child”
“Tired of My Tears”
“Sweet Forgiveness”

Quote of the Week:

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
-Berthold Auerbach

Photo Credit: Trucks and Tedeschi

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